Product Returns Research Group (PRRG)

PhD opportunities

Learn about funding options.


The South Coast Doctoral Training Partnership (SCDTP) 

The Thematic Cluster Pathways (TCPs): sustainability, environment & resilience (SER). See:

Before completing their online funding application form, students will need to have submitted an institutional application form for the chosen Masters or PhD programme. Students do not need to be in receipt of an offer of a place at that institution, but their application must have been submitted.

Electronics & Computer Science (ECS)

Southampton Business School (SBS)

Each year there are a number of CSC scholarships available across the University. To be considered for a scholarship within Southampton Business School (SBS), students should identify an appropriate research area and contact SBS directly to enquire about funding opportunities in that area.

We recommend that students make their application to us by early January stating that their wish to be considered for a CSC scholarship. Students can find further information about CSC scholarships at Southampton here.