Photonic Systems, Circuits and Sensors Group


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G. Z. Mashanovich, V. M.N. Passaro, G. J. Ensell, F. Y. Gardes & G. T. Reed, 2006
Type: conference
G.T. Reed, G.Z. Mashanovich, W.R. Headley, S.P. Chan, B.D. Timotijevic & F.Y. Gardes, 2006, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 45(8B), 6609-6615
Type: article
J. Palaniappan, H. Wang, S.L. Ogin, A. Thorne, Graham Reed, A.D. Crocombe & S.C. Tjin, 2005, Advanced Composites Letters, 14(6), 185-192
Type: article
G. Heymann, C.R.I. Clayton & G.T. Reed, 2005, Geotechnical Testing Journal, 28(6), 544-552
Type: article
G.Z. Mashanovich, V.M.N. Passaro & G.T. Reed, 2005, IEE Proceedings - Optoelectronics, 152(1), 41-48
Type: article