Photonic Systems, Circuits and Sensors Group


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B. Timotijevic, G. Mashanovich, A. Michaeli, O. Cohen, V.M.N. Passaro, J. Crnjanski & G.T. Reed, 2009, Chinese Optics Letters, 7(4), 291-295
Type: article
N.M. Wright, D.J. Thomson, K.L. Litvinenko, W.R. Headley, A.J. Smith, A.P. Knights, J.H.B. Deane, F.Y. Gardes, G.Z. Mashanovich, R. Gwilliam & G.T. Reed, 2008, Optics Express, 16(24), 19779-19784
Type: article
J. Palaniappan, S.L. Ogin, A.M. Thorne, G.T. Reed, A.D. Crocombe, T.F. Capell, S.C. Tjin & L. Mohanty, 2008, Composites Science and Technology, 68(12), 2410-2417
Type: article
Milan M. Milošević, Petar S. Matavulj, Branislav D. Timotijevic, Graham T. Reed & Goran Z. Mashanovich, 2008, Journal of Lightwave Technology, 26(13), 1840-1846
Type: article