Photonic Systems, Circuits and Sensors Group


Browse our publications catalogue to learn about our research.
David Thomson, Frederic Y. Gardes, Jean-Marc Fedeli, Sanja Zlatanović, Youfang Hu, Bill Ping Piu Kuo, Evgeny Myslivets, Nikola Alic, Stojan Radic, Goran Z. Mashanovich & Graham T. Reed, 2012, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 24(4), 234-236
Type: article
G.T. Reed, D. Thomson, F.Y. Gardes, N.G. Emerson & J-M. Fédéli, 2011
Type: conference
L. Lever, Y. Hu, M. Myronov, X. Liu, N. Owens, F.Y. Gardes, I.P. Marko, S.J. Sweeney, Z. Ikonić, D.R. Leadley, G.T. Reed & R.W. Kelsall, 2011, Optics Letters, 36(21), 4158-4160
Type: article
Renzo Loiacono, Rob Topley, Agnes Nakyobe, Goran Z. Mashanovich, Russell Gwilliam, Giogio Lulli, Ran Feldesh, Richard Jones & Graham T. Reed, 2011
Type: conference
A. Brimont, D. Thomson, P. Sanchis, J. Herrera, F.Y. Gardes, J.M. Fedeli, G.T. Reed & J. Martí, 2011, Optics Express, 19(21), 20876-20885
Type: article