Photonic Systems, Circuits and Sensors Group


Browse our publications catalogue to learn about our research.
Chunlei Sun, Wenhao Wu, Yu Yu, Guanyu Chen, Xinliang Zhang, Xia Chen, David J. Thomson & Graham T. Reed, 2018, Nanophotonics, 7(9), 1571-1580
Type: article
P.C. Gow, D. McBryde, S.A. Berry & V. Apostolopoulos, 2018, Electronics Letters, 54(16), 991-993
Type: letterEditorial
Wanjun Wang, Zecen Zhang, Xin Guo, Jin Zhou, Sia Jia Xu Brian, Mohamed S. Rouifed, Chongyang Liu, Callum Littlejohns, Graham T. Reed & Hong Wang, 2018
Type: conference
Thomas A. Wright, Robert J.A. Francis-Jones, Corin B.E. Gawith, Jonas N. Becker, Patrick M. Ledingham, Ian A. Walmsley, Benjamin Brecht, Joshua Nunn & Peter J. Mosley, 2018
Type: conference