Operational Research


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Bismark Singh, 2021, Mathematical Intelligencer, 44(1), 39-43
Type: article
Leander Kotzur, Lars Nolting, Maximilian Hoffmann, Theresa Groß, Andreas Smolenko, Jan Priesmann, Henrik Büsing, Robin Beer, Felix Kullmann, Bismark Singh, Aaron Praktiknjo, Detlef Stolten & Martin Robinius, 2021, Advances in Applied Energy, 4
Type: review
Patrick Mehlitz & Alain Zemkoho, 2021, Mathematics of Operations Research, 46(4), 1573-1598
Type: article
Christine Currie & Thomas Monks, 2021, ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation, 31(4), 1-15
Type: article