Magnetic Resonance


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Christian Bengs & Malcolm H. Levitt, 2020, Journal of Magnetic Resonance, 310
Type: article
Bogdan A. Rodin, Kirill F. Sheberstov, Alexey S. Kiryutin, Lynda J. Brown, Richard C.D. Brown, Mohamed Sabba, Malcolm H. Levitt, Alexandra V. Yurkovskaya & Konstantin L. Ivanov, 2019, The Journal of Chemical Physics, 151(23)
Type: article
Thomas Robertson, Lysbeth Antonides, Nicholas Gilbert, Sophie Benjamin, Stuart Langley, Lindsey Munro, Oliver Sutcliffe & Ryan Mewis, 2019, ChemistryOpen, 8(12), 1375-1382
Type: article
Lukas Kaltschnee, Anil P. Jagtap, Jeffrey McCormick, Shawn Wagner, Louis S. Bouchard, Marcel Utz, Christian Griesinger & Stefan Glöggler, 2019, Chemistry - A European Journal, 25(47), 11031-11035
Type: article