

Browse our publications catalogue to learn about our research.
Oliver Friedrich, Ralf Schiebel, Paul Wilson, Syee Weldeab, Christopher Beer, Matthew Cooper & Jens Fiebig, 2012, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 319-320(2), 133-145
Type: article
Phillip Warwick, Ian Croudace & Richard Marsh, 2011, Nuclear Future, 7(5), 44-47
Type: article
R. Marsh, R.A. Mills, D.R.H. Green, I. Salter & S. Taylor, 2007, Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 54(18-20), 2260-2274
Type: article
M.F. Thirlwall, M.A.M. Gee, D. Lowry, D.P. Mattey, B.J. Murton & R.N. Taylor, 2006, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 70(4), 993-1019
Type: article