Centre for Research on Work and Organisations


Browse our publications catalogue to learn about our research.
Christiaan Roell, Ellis Osabutey, Peter Rodgers, Felix Arndt, Zaheer Khan & Shlomo Tarba, 2022, Journal of World Business, 57(3)
Type: article
Matthew Sinnicks, 2022, Journal of Business Ethics, 177(1), 49-61
Type: article
Jane Parry, Zoe Young, Stephen Bevan, Michail Veliziotis, Yehuda Baruch, Mina Beigi, Zofia Bajorek, Sarah Richards & Chira Tochia, 2022
Type: report
Yehuda Baruch & Sherry E. Sullivan, 2022, Career Development International, 27(1), 135-159
Type: review