Centre for Perception and Cognition (CPC)


Search the academic publications from researchers in our group.
Christoph Witzel, 2016, i-Perception, 7(5), 1-11
Type: article
G.M. Huebner, D.T. Shipworth, S. Gauthier, C. Witzel, P. Raynham & W. Chan, 2016, Energy Research & Social Science, 15, 45-57
Type: article
Christoph Witzel, Maria Olkkonen & Karl R. Gegenfurtner, 2016, Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 39
Type: article
M.C. Hout, H.J. Godwin, Gemma Fitzsimmons, A. Robbins, T. Menneer & S.D. Goldinger, 2016, Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 78(1), 3-20
Type: article