Research group

Centre for Innovation in Mental Health (CiMH)

Mum with children using a tablet

We use our expertise in child development, psychological interventions and affective neuroscience to research ways to help those affected by mental health issues.

Part of Psychology

We're a group of psychologists, psychiatrists and neuroscientists. Our partners include local schools and NHS services. We're supported by research grants from major UK and international funders. This includes the Medical Research Council and the National Institute for Health Research.

Child page cards

Those who have fully experienced a phenomenon have skills and knowledge that can be utilised in improving the quality of life for those still suffering.
Lecturer B

Research highlights

Helping young people overcome early neglect

A Southampton collaboration explores the impact of early neglect and deprivation on Romanian adoptees. The work aims to inform policy and practice to help young people and their families get the right support.

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