Astronomy Group


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2014, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 444(2), 1469-1474
Type: article
M. Bernardi, A. Meert, V. Vikram, M. Huertas-Company, S. Mei, F. Shankar & R. K. Sheth, 2014, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 443(1), 874-897
Type: article
M. Betoule, R. Kessler, J. Guy, J. Mosher, D. Hardin, R. Biswas, P. Astier, P. El-Hage, M. Konig, S. Kuhlmann, J. Marriner, R. Pain, N. Regnault, C. Balland, B.A. Bassett, P.J. Brown, H. Campbell, R.G. Carlberg, F. Cellier-Holzem, D. Cinabro, A. Conley, C.B. D’Andrea, D.L. DePoy, M. Doi, R.S. Ellis, S. Fabbro, A.V. Filippenko, R.J. Foley, J.A. Frieman, D. Fouchez, L. Galbany, A. Goobar, R.R. Gupta, G.J. Hill, R. Hlozek, C.J. Hogan, I.M. Hook, D.A. Howell, S.W. Jha, L. Le Guillou, G. Leloudas, C. Lidman, J.L. Marshall, A. Möller, A.M. Mourão, J. Neveu, R. Nichol, M.D. Olmstead, N. Palanque-Delabrouille, S. Perlmutter, J.L. Prieto, C.J. Pritchet, M. Richmond, A.G. Riess, V. Ruhlmann-Kleider, M. Sako, K. Schahmaneche, D.P. Schneider, M. Smith, J. Sollerman, M. Sullivan, N.A. Walton & C.J. Wheeler, 2014, Astronomy & Astrophysics, 568(A22), 1-32
Type: article
Silvia Toonen, Rasmus Voss & Christian Knigge, 2014, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 441(1), 354–363
Type: article