230 people

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Miss Raphaela Gracie

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Miss Rebecca Walley

Research interests

  • Palaeoecology
  • Palynology
  • Geochemistry
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Miss Rhiannon Jones

Research interests

  • Polar marine biogeochemistry and macronutrient cycling
  • Impact of glaciers upon the supply and bioavailability of macro- and micro-nutrients, namely iron
  • Using radium radio-isotopes as tracers for sediment cycling
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Dr Richard Marsh

Senior Research Fellow

Research interests

  • My primary interest is nuclear characterisation in support of decommissioning of both civil reactor operations and also industrial / research sites for waste sentencing and disposal.
  • My previous work has included development of novel and rapid approaches for analysis of tritium, in particular the development of a new high-capacity sample oxidiser for problematic waste streams.
  • I am also experienced in radiation safety and open radioactive source work in relation to IRR and EPR regulations and in particular the requirements associated with the handling of LLW and ILW for preparation and analysis.
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Dr Richard Pearce

Research Fellow

Research interests

  • Research interests include the study of past climates, in particular from varve archives in freshwater and marine environments, the mineralogy of fine-grained clay-rich sediments, and the application of electron microscopy techniques to archaeological materials.
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Dr Richard Stockey BA MSci PhD

Lecturer in Palaeobiology

Research interests

  • Treating the geologic record as a historical laboratory for studying the responses of marine ecosystems to environmental change
  • Earth system, ecological and biogeochemical modelling to better understand relationships between changes observed in the fossil and geochemical record
  • The importance of Earth system evolution for ecological and oceanographic responses to ancient climate change

Accepting applications from PhD students

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Professor Robert Marsh

Professor of Oceanography and Climate

Accepting applications from PhD students

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