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Dr Jan Spakula

Associate Professor

Research interests

  • C*-algebras, noncommutative geometry
  • geometric and analytic group theory
  • coarse geometry

Accepting applications from PhD students

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Professor Jana Kreppner


Research interests

  • Jana's work focusses on the impact of early experience on development. She is particularly interested in the role of relationship experiences, especially caregiver-child and peer/friend relationships, in typical and atypical development. Jana studies factors that influence relationship experiences as well as the effects and correlates of such relationship experiences on children’s development. Jana uses this knowledge to inform the development of relationship-based interventions to promote children and young people’s wellbeing. Her research has been funded by the ESRC, NIHR, the Waterloo Foundation and the Welcome Trust. Jana's research uses both quantitative and qualitative methods. She has extensive experience conducting longitudinal research across childhood, adolescence and young adulthood. Jana is currently involved in a range of interdisciplinary collaborations which span Psychiatry, Paediatric Neurology, Psychology, Education, Social Work, Public Policy, and Law.
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Dr Jana Sadeh

Senior Teaching Fellow

Research interests

  • The dimensions underlying individual time and risk preferences 
  • The relationship between time and risk preferences and student performance
  • The impact of external nudges on behaviour over time

Accepting applications from PhD students

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Dr Jane Birkin

Research Fellow
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Dr Jane Cleal PhD

Associate Professor

Research interests

  • Areas of Scientific Expertise:
  • Reproductive Cell Biology – Fundamental mechanisms of cell biology in placenta and endometrium and the impact on the intra-uterine environment, fetal development and lifelong health.Regulation of Reproductive Cell Biology – Maternal exposures and molecular regulation of cellular gene expression, phenotype and function in placenta and endometrium and the clinical translation.Disease/phenotype – Fetal growth, Obesity, Cardiometabolic programming, Subfertility, Recurrent pregnancy loss.Cellular mechanisms – Membrane transport, endocytosis, vesicular transport & signalling, gene transcription, microRNA biology, epigenetic regulation.Vitamin D - Transport, regulation, metabolism and signalling.

Accepting applications from PhD students

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Professor Jane Falkingham

VP Engagement and International
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Dr Jane Frankland PhD, BSc(Hons)

Senior Research Fellow

Research interests

  • Social processes related to self-management and help seeking
  • Social cultural context of self-management
  • Sexual function post cancer treatment
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Dr Jane Gibson

Associate Professor
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