Ms Immaculate  Okello

Ms Immaculate Okello

Research interests

  • Qualitative Research
  • Maternal/ Child Health & Nutrition
  • Type 2 Diabetes self-management

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Immaculate is a Nutritionist with experience in maternal, infant and young child nutrition in humanitarian and low-resource settings. She is also a qualified Public Health practitioner and has developed an interest in researching health inequalities and devising user-focused solutions.

Immaculate's PhD research stems from the statistical evidence of the poor outcomes of type 2 diabetes (T2D) among black Africans living in high-income countries. Her research uses the person-based approach to develop culturally appropriate self-management tools for black Africans with T2D. The research will also involve routine public involvement and incorporate the experiences and perceptions of using complementary and alternative therapies in managing type 2 diabetes.