Mr Denny Kurniawan

Mr Denny Kurniawan

Connect with Denny


Denny Kurniawan is a PhD student in Politics under the School of Economic, Social and Political Science at the University of Southampton. His research focuses on Policy Responsiveness, Public Opinion and Public Policy Connection, and Crisis Management.

The PhD research project tries to assess Government of Indonesia’s policy responsiveness using Social Media Analytics and Case Study approach.  This project tries to explore the connection between public policy and public opinion during COVID crisis period in 2020-2021.

As an Indonesian government officer at the Minister of Finance with experience more than 20 years, Denny has a lot of experience of policy formulation and implementation. He got his Master of Science in Governance and Policy from the University of Southampton with scholarship from the World Bank. His great academic experience while doing his master degree bring him back to Southampton for his doctoral degree with scholarship award from Indonesia Education Endowment Fund or Lembaga Pengelola Dana Pendidikan (LPDP).