Mr Daniel Rainer

Specialist Technician


Daniel Rainer obtained his BSc from the Vienna University of Technology and his MSc from the Technical University of Denmark. During his PhD studies at the University of St Andrews under the supervision of Prof. Russell E. Morris, he focused on the synthesis of zeolites obtained through the ADOR process, employing alternative methods such as mechanochemistry. A second focal point is the characterisation of materials with TEM and novel electron diffraction techniques.
During a postdoctoral position at Charles University in Prague he was able to expand his knowledge and expertise in electron microscopy, characterising catalysts and porous materials such as zeolites with SEM, TEM, and STEM. Additionally, he led the efforts to establish 3DED (3D electron difraction) capabilities on the local instrument.

In his current role as Specialist Technician for Electron Diffraction at the University of Southampton he is the main operator of the electron diffractometer as part of the UK National Electron Diffraction Facility (NEDF), the recently established new pillar of the UK National Crystallography Service (NCS), which is a collaboration between the University of Southampton and the University of Warwick.