Professor John Mcbeth

 MA, PhD

Accepting applications from PhD students.

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158 publications
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S. Parsons, J. Mcbeth, G.J. Macfarlane, P.C. Hannaford & D.P.M. Symmons, 2014, European Journal of Pain (United Kingdom), 19(2), 167-175
Type: article
John McBeth, Rosie J. Lacey & Ross Wilkie, 2014, Arthritis and Rheumatology, 66(3), 757-767
Type: article
V.R. Aggarwal, G.J. MacFarlane, A. Tajar, M.R. Mulvey, A. Power, D. Ray & J. McBeth, 2014, European Journal of Pain (United Kingdom), 18(3), 447-454
Type: article
Paul Campbell, Nicole Tang, John McBeth, Martyn Lewis, Chris J. Main, Peter R. Croft, Hannah Morphy & Kate M. Dunn, 2013, Sleep, 36(11), 1693–1698
Type: article
M.R. Mulvey, G.J. Macfarlane, M. Beasley, J. McBeth, D.P. Symmons, K. Lovell, P. Keeley & S. Woby, 2013, Arthritis Care & Research, 66(3), 496-497
Type: article
F.H. Creed, B. Tomenson, C. Chew-Graham, G.J. MacFarlane, I. Davies, J. Jackson, A. Littlewood & J. McBeth, 2013, International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 20, 194–205
Type: article
Matthew R. Mulvey, Gary J. MacFarlane, Marcus Beasley, Deborah P.M. Symmons, Karina Lovell, Philip Keeley, Steve Woby & John McBeth, 2013, Arthritis Care and Research, 65(8), 1325-1333
Type: article
Alison Kate Lillie, Sue Read, Christian Mallen, Peter Croft & John McBeth, 2013, BMC Palliative Care, 12
Type: article
Ross Wilkie, Milisa Blagojevic-Bucknall, Kelvin P. Jordan, Rosie Lacey & John McBeth, 2013, Arthritis Care and Research, 65(6), 910-919
Type: article