Doctor Andrea Gasparotto

Dr Andrea Gasparotto

Research Fellow

Research interests

  • Fluvial and tidal Geomorphology
  • River bank erosion processes and hazards
  • Flood risk and drivers in fluvial and coastal settings

More research

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Research interests

  • Fluvial and tidal Geomorphology
  • River bank erosion processes and hazards
  • Flood risk and drivers in fluvial and coastal settings
  • Natural changes and anthropogenic interactions with the environment

Current research

My research spans a range of riverine and coastal processes and hazards. Using morphodynamic models and in-field data collection, I activelly study natural and anthropogenic drivers that lead to geomorphological modifications in our rivers and tidal areas. 

I am currently a Research Fellow on a NERC funded large grant (EVOFLOOD) exploring the feedback between climate change and river channel evolution in modifying flood hazard and risk.