Mingye's research interests lie primarily in the fields of behavioural and experimental economics. His current research invloves investigating social learning and imitation decisions, overconfidence and ambiguity.
Accepting applications from PhD students.
Email: Mingye.Ma@soton.ac.uk
Mingye's research interests lie primarily in the fields of behavioural and experimental economics. His current research invloves investigating social learning and imitation decisions, overconfidence and ambiguity.
Mingye's current research tries to answer the following questions using experimental evidence from the lab and the field.
First, how does the importance of luck in performance feedback influence people's imitation decisions? Specifically, can people appropriately discount the feedback if luck is known to be consequential?
Second, how do people update their beliefs with ambiguously generated signals? Can ambiguity aversion explain their choices?
Behavioural economics
Experimental economics
Game theory
Before joining Soton, Mingye was a postdoc at New York University Abu Dhabi.