Mr Hugo Webber

Mr Hugo Webber

Research interests

  • Regulation for mitigation of maritime GHG emissions.
  • Operational and planning problems for maritime transport systems.
  • Naval architecture; ship system design, set based design.

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Research interests

  • Regulation for mitigation of maritime GHG emissions.
  • Operational and planning problems for maritime transport systems.
  • Naval architecture; ship system design, set based design.

Current research

Hugo's current research focuses on agent-based modeling (ABM) of the shipping industry. The PhD aims to produce an enhanced simulator of the shipping industry. This simulator will then be used to investigate different IMO emissions regulation scenarios.

The shipping industry is conceptualised as a complex adaptive system, with shipping stakeholders as intelligent decisionmaking agents. By capturing effects in the supplychain and shipping markets, it is intended to better represent the factors that determine financial sucess for ships, compared to the few existing models. We focus on the under represented oil shipping segment.

This work aims to support analysis of the IMOs regulatory policies, alowing different measures to be tested against the desired emissions reductions to meet the IMOs current comitments to the paris goals. Stakeholder best financial and technical strategy under regulation is also investigated.