Doctor Sophie Fletcher

Dr Sophie Fletcher

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62 publications
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Muhammad S. Ahmed, Sam Allen, Nicola Anderson, John Atkinson, Miriam Avery, Dinesh Bagmane, James Bailey, Sarah Bailey, Rebecca Baker, Michelle Baker-Moffatt, Amy Barker, Richard Barlow, Jazz Bartholomew, Louise Bell, Paul Bradley, Karen Brooks, Heather Brown, Louise Brown, Richard Brown, Tom Brown, Thomas Bull, Matthew Burton, Amy Campbell, Jonathan Carter, Michael Carter, Katrina Cathie, Emma Chambers, Andrew Clark, Charlotte Clark, Louise Clark, Matthew Clark, Thomas Clark, Robert Clarke, Samantha Clarke, Nicola Collins, Eloise Cook, David Cooper, Lauren Cooper, Katy Cotton, Jonathan Curtis, Helen Davies, Karen Davies, Matthew Davies, Simon Davies, Susan Dawson, Andrew Day, Caroline Dixon, Gareth Evans, Saul N. Faust, Simon Fearby, Mae Felongco, Victoria Ferguson, Karen Fielder, Sarah Fielding, James Fisher, Paul Fleming, Sophie Fletcher, Christopher Gale, Bernadette Gallagher, Amy Gladwell, Ali Gondal, Christopher Green, David Green, Teresa Green, Daniel Griffiths, Kathryn Hall, John Harris, Laura Harris, Thomas Harrison, Ali Hassan, Claire Hewitt, David Hodgson, Luke Hodgson, Clare Hooper, Sarah Horton, Sarah Howard, Ying Hu, Robert Hull, Sajid Hussain, Robert Irving, Melanie Jackson, Nicola Jackson, Mark James, Rebecca James, Elinor Jenkins, Stephen Jenkins, David Johnson, Kathryn Johnson, Mark Johnson, Victoria Johnston, Alistair Jones, Christine E. Jones, Emily Jones, Gareth Jones, Jessica Jones, Laura Jones, R. E. Jones, Sophie Jones, Tiffany Joyce, Michael Kelly, Stephen Kelly, Ali Khan, Mohammad Khan, Omar Khan, Andy King, Emma Lee, Sara Lock, Stephen Lynch, Claire Macfadyen, Karen Martin, Heather McGuinness, David Miller, Rachel Miller, Heena Mistry, Alan Mitchell, Christopher Moore, Sally Moore, Anna Morris, Paul Morris, Susan Morris, Charlotte Moss, Sarah Moss, Ka Wing Ng, Rachel Owen, Alistair Palmer, Sarah Parsons, Kamal Patel, Manish Patel, David Payne, Elizabeth Payne, Karen Pearson, Linda Porter, Joanne B. Potts, Claire Price, David Price, Richard Pugh, A. Rehman, Matthew Rice, Ian Roberts, Calum Robertson, Matthew Robinson, Peter Russell, Matthew Ryan, David Sammut, A. Scott, Martha Scott, Syed Shah, David Shaw, Susanna Sherwin, Thomas Simpson, Alex Smith, Amanda Smith, Amy Smith, Andrew Smith, Anna Smith, Catherine Smith, Christopher Smith, Harriet Smith, Hazel Smith, Helen Smith, Jessica Smith, Kathryn Smith, Lisa Smith, Rachel Smith, Rebecca Smith, Richard Smith, Stephanie Smith, Susan Smith, John Smith, Natalie Staplin, Monique Sterrenburg, Melanie Stevens, Colin Stewart, Nadia Sunni, John Sutton, Adrian Tan, Alexander Taylor, David Taylor, Karen Taylor, Matthew Taylor, Rachel Taylor, James Thomas, Rebecca Thomas, Rhys Thomas, Sarah Thomas, Catherine Thompson, Fiona Thompson, Laura Thompson, Michael Thompson, Rebecca Thompson, Nicola Thomson, Sarah Thorpe, Mark Turner, Samantha Turner, Victoria Turner, Charlotte Underwood, Louise Wallis, Jocelyn Walters, Deborah Ward, Nicola Ward, Andrew White, Christopher White, James White, Christopher Wignall, Claire Williams, Hannah Williams, James Williams, John Williams, Karen Williams, Sarah Williams, Sophie Williams, James Wilson, Alan Wong, Kit Y. Wong, Stephen Wood, Jane Woods, Rebecca Wright, Stephanie Wright, David Yates, Charlotte Yearwood Martin & H. Yong, 2021, The Lancet, 397(10285), 1637-1645
Type: article
Carl J. Reynolds, Rupa Sisodia, Chris Barber & Sophie Fletcher, 2021
Type: other
Muhammad S. Ahmed, Muhammad N. Akhtar, Jonathan Allen, Sam Allen, Nicola Anderson, John Atkinson, Miriam Avery, Dinesh Bagmane, Michelle Baker-Moffatt, Amy Barker, Richard Barlow, Jazz Bartholomew, Louise Bell, Heather Brown, Louise Brown, Richard Brown, Tom Brown, Thomas Bull, Jo Butler, Amy Campbell, Jonathan Carter, Katrina Cathie, Emma Chambers, Andrew Clark, Charlotte Clark, Matthew Clark, Thomas Clark, Robert Clarke, Samantha Clarke, Nicola Collins, Eloise Cook, Lauren Cooper, Jonathan Curtis, Helen Davies, Karen Davies, Matthew Davies, Simon Davies, Andrew Day, Caroline Dixon, Gareth Evans, Saul N. Faust, Mae Felongco, Victoria Ferguson, Sarah Fielding, James Fisher, Paul Fleming, Sophie Fletcher, Christopher Gale, Bernadette Gallagher, Amy Gladwell, Ali Gondal, Christopher Green, Daniel Griffiths, Kathryn Hall, Claire Harris, Laura Harris, Ali Hassan, Claire Hewitt, Alexander Hicks, David Hodgson, Luke Hodgson, Clare Hooper, Sarah Horton, Sarah Howard, Ying Hu, Robert Hull, Jane Hunt, Sajid Hussain, Robert Irving, Melanie Jackson, Nicola Jackson, Mark James, Elinor Jenkins, Stephen Jenkins, Kathryn Johnson, Mark Johnson, Victoria Johnston, Chrissie E. Jones, Gareth Jones, Laura Jones, Sophie Jones, Tiffany Joyce, Michael Kelly, Stephen Kelly, Ali Khan, Mohammad Khan, Omar Khan, Andy King, Emma Lee, Megan Lewis, Sara Lock, Stephen Lynch, Karen Martin, Sarah Martin, David Miller, Rachel Miller, Heena Mistry, Alan Mitchell, Sally Moore, Anna Morris, Paul Morris, Susan Morris, Charlotte Moss, Sarah Moss, Rachel Owen, Alistair Palmer, Mark Parson, Manish Patel, Natalie Pattison, Elizabeth Payne, Karen Pearson, Linda Porter, Claire Price, David Price, Richard Pugh, A. Rehman, Matthew Rice, Ian Roberts, Calum Robertson, Matthew Robinson, Naomi Rogers, Hitasha Rupani, Peter Russell, Matthew Ryan, David Sammut, A. Scott, Syed Shah, David Shaw, Susanna Sherwin, Thomas Simpson, Amanda Smith, Amy Smith, Andrew Smith, Catherine Smith, Christopher Smith, Hazel Smith, Helen Smith, Jeannette Smith, Jessica Smith, John Smith, Lisa Smith, Lucy Smith, Matthew Smith, Rachel Smith, Rebecca Smith, Richard Smith, Stephanie Smith, Susan Smith, Natalie Staplin, Monique Sterrenburg, Nadia Sunni, Alexander Taylor, David Taylor, Karen Taylor, Matthew Taylor, Rachel Taylor, Amy Thomas, James Thomas, Megan Thomas, Rebecca Thomas, Rhys Thomas, Sarah Thomas, Catherine Thompson, Fiona Thompson, Laura Thompson, Nicola Thomson, Sarah Thorpe, Mark Turner, Samantha Turner, Victoria Turner, Claire Walker, Louise Wallis, Jocelyn Walters, Deborah Ward, Christopher White, James White, Christopher Wignall, Claire Williams, Felicity Williams, Hannah Williams, James Williams, John Williams, Karen Williams, Sarah Williams, Sophie Williams, James Wilson, Kit Y. Wong, Stephen Wood, Jane Woods, David Yates & Charlotte Yearwood Martin, 2021, The Lancet, 397(10274), 605-612
Type: article
Fiona Thompson, Timothy Wallis, Katarina Pontoppidan, Christopher J. Brereton, Eleanor Reid, Benjamin Welham, Mark Jones & Sophie Fletcher, 2020, European Respiratory Journal, 56(64)
Type: conference
Christopher J. Brereton, Robert Ridley, Franco Conforti, Liudi Yao, Aiman Alzetani, Ben Marshall, Sophie V. Fletcher, Luca Richeldi, Yihua Wang, Donna E. Davies & Mark G. Jones, 2020, European Respiratory Journal, 56(Suppl 64)
Type: conference
Arjjana A. Sivaloganathan, Myra Nasim-Mohi, Michael M. Brown, Nabil Abdul, Alexander Jackson, Sophie V. Fletcher, Sanjay Gupta, Michael P.W. Grocott, Ahilanandan Dushianthan, Julian Nixon, Denny ZH Levett, Michael Stewart, Ahilanadan Dushianthan, David Sparkes, Robert Chambers, Kathleen Nolan, Suzie Tanser, Jonathan Fennell, Michael Celinski, Dominic Richardson, Rebecca Cusack, Benjamin Skinner, Timothy Nicholson-Robert, Mai Wakatsuki, Ben Thomas, Francois Wessels, Mark Jones, Paul Elkington, Tom Wilkinson, Mark Allenby, Thomas Daniels, Paddy Dennison, Anastasios Lekkas, Arjjana Sivaloganathan, David Land, Sophie Fletcher, Wilkinson, Anna Freeman, Hannah Burke, Saul Faust, Gareth Thomas & Christopher Kipps, 2020, British Journal of Anaesthesia, 125(4), e368-e371
Type: letterEditorial
Tim Wallis, Katarina Pontoppidan, Kerry Gove, David Hill, James Cullinane, Fiona Thompson, Christopher Brereton, Anna Freeman, Sophie Fletcher, Michael Grocott, Mark Jones & Sandy Jack, 2020, European Respiratory Journal, 56(64)
Type: conference
Christopher J Brereton, Timothy Wallis, Michelle Casey, Lynn Fox, Katarina Pontoppidan, Diane Laws, Jennifer Graves, Vanessa Titmuss, Sarah Kearney, Sian Louise Evans, Alison Grove, Samreen Hamid, Luca Richeldi, Katherine M.A. O'Reilly, Sophie Fletcher & Mark Glynne Jones, 2020, ERJ Open Research, 6(2)
Type: letterEditorial
Franco Conforti, Robert Ridley, Christopher J Brereton, Aiman Alzetani, Mark Jones, Donna Davies, Paul Skipp, Yihua Wang, Christian Ottensmeier, B. Marshall, Sophie Fletcher, Luca Richeldi & Benjamin Johnson, 2020, Cell Death and Discovery, 6
Type: article
M. Thillai, R. Herlekar , E.K. Denneny & S. Fletcher, 2020, American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 201
Type: conference