Wilhelm Hasselbring is Professor of Software Engineering at the School of Electronics and Computer Science, University of Southampton.
Research interests
- Software system quality, architecture design and evaluation
- Software visualization and reverse engineering
- Component-based software development and Enterprise Application Integration
- Microservices and DevOps for continuous software engineering
- Middleware for grid, cloud and enterprise systems
Current research
My major research and teaching interests are in Software Engineering with an emphasis on
- Software system quality such as availability, reliability, and performance
- Software architecture design and evaluation
- Software visualization and reverse engineering
- Software monitoring and profiling
- Distributed systems, particularly fault-tolerance, runtime reconfiguration and monitoring
- Component-based software development and Enterprise Application Integration
- Microservices and DevOps for continuous software engineering
- Middleware for grid, cloud and enterprise systems
- Research data and software management
- Open science
67 publications
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Alexander Krause-Glau, Marcel Bader & Wilhelm Hasselbring,
Type: conference
Soren Henning & Wilhelm Hasselbring,
Type: conference
Alexander Krause-Glau & Wilhelm Hasselbring,
Type: conference
Tobias Pfandzelter, Soren Henning, Trever Schirmer, Wilhelm Hasselbring & David Bermbach,
Type: conference
Alexander Krause-Glau, Malte Hansen & Wilhelm Hasselbring,
2022, Information and Software Technology, 151
Type: article
Martin Claus, Sven Gundlach, Wilhelm Hasselbring, Reiner Jung, Willi Rath & Henning Schnoor,
2022, Informatik-Spektrum, 45(5), 300-303
Type: article
Wilhelm Hasselbring, Matthias Renz & Peer Kröger,
2022, Informatik-Spektrum, 45(4), 211-213
Type: letterEditorial
Sören Henning & Wilhelm Hasselbring,
2022, Empirical Software Engineering, 27(6)
Type: article
Ralf Krestel, Annegret Kuhn & Wilhelm Hasselbring,
2022, Informatik-Spektrum, 45(4), 240-245
Type: article
Reiner Jung, Sven Gundlach & Wilhelm Hasselbring,
2022, International Journal of Modeling, Simulation, and Scientific Computing, 13(2)
Type: article