- Collins is a professionally qualified chartered accountant (CPA) with a PhD in accountancy and an enthusiastic accounting academic with over 20 years of national and international teaching, research, leadership and management experience in higher education.
- He has served in a number of senior roles, such as Associate Dean, Head (Chair) of Department and Deputy Head (Dean) of Southampton Business School, and is currently the President of the British Accounting and Finance Association.
- His research focuses on how Accounting, Accountability, Finance and Governance (AAFG) can drive Development and Sustainability around the world, especially the developing world (e.g., China, Sub Sahara Africa, and Middle East and North Africa), and in the process, he has published over 150 peer-reviewed outputs, in which more than 80% have appeared in the top FT 50, ABS 4*/3*, and ABDC A*/A Journals around AAFG topics that have been cited widely by academics and the popular global media, as well as attracted competitive external and internal research funds of over £0.6m.
- He also has a strong interests and track record in developing, reviewing, examining, supervising and teaching AAFG subjects to undergraduate, postgraduate, research, especially PhD, executive and professional accounting and finance students in a wide variety of institutions and countries around the world.
- Collins is consistently ranked among the top 10 and 100 leading researchers in accounting in the UK and the World, respectively, by several global research bodies/websites, such as Stanford, Google Scholar, Scopus, Web of Science, ResearchGate, Scholar GPS, IDEAS/RePEc, SSRN, Research.Com and ADS Scientific Index, amongst many others.
You can update this in Pure (opens in a new tab). Select ‘Edit profile’. Under the heading and then ‘Curriculum and research description’, select ‘Add profile information’. In the dropdown menu, select - ‘About’.
Write about yourself in the third person. Aim for 100 to 150 words covering the main points about who you are and what you currently do. Clear, simple language is best. You can include specialist or technical terms.
You’ll be able to add details about your research, publications, career and academic history to other sections of your staff profile.
Research interests
- Accounting & Accountability
- Finance & Governance
- Development & Sustainability
- Business Ethics
- Executive Compensation
Current research
Collins has current/on-going research in Accounting, Accountability, Finance, Governance, Development and Sustainability, especially:
- Accounting and Governance (corporate governance and financial reporting – market-based accounting research);
- Accountability, Development, Ethics and Sustainability (social & environmental accounting – corporate social responsibility, and sustainability accounting & reporting); and
- Finance & Development (corporate finance – market-based finance research and financial economics – development finance).
Primary Research Interests in Accounting and Governance:
- Accounting and governance, especially corporate governance and financial reporting, including market-based accounting research.
- Accountability, development, ethics and sustainability, especially social and environmental accounting – corporate social responsibility/sustainability accounting and reporting.
- Executive compensation.
Secondary Research Interests in Finance and Development:
- Corporate finance, especially market-based finance research.
- Financial economics, especially development finance.
Supervision of Research and Doctoral Students:
In addition, Collins has supervised over 60 research (MPhil and PhD) students’ theses to completion and examined over 100 research (MPhil, DBA and PhD) students’ theses, focusing on topics in accounting/accountability, finance, governance, development and sustainability in different universities around the world.
He is currently supervising a number of PhD students at all stages, conducting their research on topics across his current research interests: research in accounting/accountability, finance, governance, development and sustainability, especially accounting and governance (corporate governance and financial reporting – market-based accounting research), accountability; ethics and sustainability (social & environmental accounting – corporate social responsibility, and sustainability accounting & reporting); and finance & development (corporate finance – market-based finance research and financial economics – development finance).
He will also consider research proposals that are aligned with any of his current research interests in accounting/accountability, finance, governance, development and sustainability from prospective PhD students with strong research potential (e.g., excellent quantitative and research writing skills).
In particular, PhD proposals focusing on cross-country or regional (e.g., Africa, America, Asia, Europe, and Middle East, among others) analyses rather than single country studies are highly encouraged.
Examples of Current External Research Grant Awards:
- 'Developing a National Code of Corporate Governance for Ghana', Awarded by the Economic and Social Research Council, UK [Total Grant Value: £201,343.00)].
- 'The Role and Impact of Public Financial Management in Supporting Fiscal Transparency and Public Accountability: Lessons from the COVID-19 Pandemic and Beyond’, Awarded by the World Bank, Washington DC, USA [Total Grant Value: USD$40,000.00].
- ‘Extended Auditor Reporting’, Awarded by the Financial Reporting Council, UK [Total Grant Value: £45,000.00].
Examples of Recent Previous External Research Grant Awards:
- 'Responsible Investment, Living Wage Accreditation and Climate Change Related Engagements’, Awarded by Economic and Social Research Council, UK [Total Grant Value: £114,000].
- 'Governance and Risk Disclosure Practices in UK Higher Education Institutions in an Era of Austerity and Reform', Awarded by Leadership Foundation for Higher Education (now Advance HE) [Total Grant Value: £10,000].
- 'A Study of Governance Structures in UK Higher Education Institutions: The Case of Audit Committees', Awarded by Leadership Foundation for Higher Education (now Advance HE) [Total Grant Value: £10,000].
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Research groups
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Research interests
Add up to 5 research interests. The first 3 will appear in your staff profile next to your name. The full list will appear on your research page. Keep these brief and focus on the keywords people may use when searching for your work. Use a different line for each one.
In Pure (opens in a new tab), select ‘Edit profile’. Under the heading 'Curriculum and research description', select 'Add profile information'. In the dropdown menu, select 'Research interests: use separate lines'.
Current research
Update this in Pure (opens in a new tab). Select ‘Edit profile’ and then ‘Curriculum and research description - Current research’.
Describe your current research in 100 to 200 words. Write in the third person. Include broad key terms to help people discover your work, for example, “sustainability” or “fashion textiles”.
Research projects
Research Council funded projects will automatically appear here. The active project name is taken from the finance system.
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Current PhD Students
Contact your Faculty Operating Service team to update PhD students you supervise and any you’ve previously supervised. Making this information available will help potential PhD applicants to find you.
Collins' teaching interests cut across Accounting, Accountability, Finance and Governance, having taught modules, such as:
- Business Finance; Corporate Finance; Corporate Governance; Financial Accounting;
- Management Accounting; and Research Methods to undergraduate, postgraduate and professional accounting and finance students.
Current Teaching:
- MANG6562 – Executive Compensation
- MANG6196 Accounting – Managing and Measuring Performance
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Courses and modules
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External roles and responsibilities
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Professor Collins Ntim is a Professor of Accounting and was previously the Deputy Head of School (Research & Enterprise) within the Business School at the University of Southampton, as well as holds PhD (Glasgow), MRes (Glasgow), MSc (Leicester), and BSc (Ghana) degrees in accounting and finance.
He has also previously held junior (Lecturer), mid-career (Senior Lecturer and Associate Professor) and senior (Full Professor, Associate Dean and Head of Department) academic roles at Aberystwyth University, University of Glasgow and University of Huddersfield.
Collins was a full panel member of the UK 2021 Research Excellence Framework (REF2021) Sub-Panel 17: Business and Management Studies. He is the current President of the British Accounting and Finance Association. He also led the development of Ghana's National Corporate Governance Code in collaboration with the Institute of Directors-Ghana and other major national and international stakeholders.
He is known internationally for his research in Accounting, Accountability, Finance, Governance, Development and Sustainability, especially Accounting and Governance (corporate governance and financial reporting – market-based accounting research); Accountability, Development, Ethics and Sustainability (social & environmental accounting – corporate social responsibility, and sustainability accounting & reporting); and Finance & Development (corporate finance – market-based finance research and financial economics – development finance).
Collins has published over 150 peer-reviewed outputs, with over 80% appearing in FT 50, ABS 4*/3* and ABDC A*/A internationally leading journals, such as the Abacus; Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal; British Accounting Review; British Journal of Management; Business & Society; Corporate Governance: An International Review; Journal of Business Ethics; The International Journal of Accounting; The Leadership Quarterly; and Work, Employment & Society, amongst many others.
His work has featured frequently in reputable popular media channels, including TV (e.g., TRT World, Sky, UK), Radio (e.g., BBC 5live) and the Financial Press (e.g., Financial Times, UK) around the world, as well as cited widely by peers, policymakers (e.g., The Public Accounts Committee, UK Parliament, and The Low Pay Commission, UK), and practitioners.
He has served and continue to serve in different editorial roles for a number of top academic journals, including as:
Associate Editor (British Accounting Review; Business and Society; Business Ethics Environment and Responsibility; & Journal of Accounting in Emerging Economies);
Section Editor (Journal of Accounting Literature);
Guest Editor (Accounting Forum; & Critical Perspectives on Accounting);
Editorial Board Member (e.g., Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal; Accounting Forum; Corporate Governance: An International Review; Journal of International Accounting, Auditing and Taxation; Journal of Management Studies; & The International Journal of Accounting, etc);
Co-Founding Editor (Cogent Business & Management; & Journal of Sustainable Finance & Accounting);
Editor-in-Chief (African Accounting and Finance Journal); and
Reviewer for several internationally leading academic journals (e.g., Abacus; Academy of Management Learning & Education; Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal; Accounting and Business Research; British Journal of Management; Corporate Governance: An International Review; European Accounting Review; Journal of Business Ethics; and Journal of Management Studies, etc);
Research councils (e.g., British Academy; ESRC, and EPSRC, UK; and Social Sciences & Humanities Research Council, Canada, etc); and
Academic bodies and conferences (e.g., Academy of Management, African Accounting and Finance Association, British Accounting and Finance Association, and European International Business Academy, etc), as well as external examiner of degree programmes at a number of universities.
Collins has presented his research at a large number of top national and international conferences (e.g., Academy of Sustainable Finance, Accounting and Governance; African Accounting and Finance Association; American Accounting Association; British Accounting and Finance Association; and European Accounting Association), workshops, and seminars in various countries, as well as won competitive internal and external research grant awards of total value of over £0.6m from reputable funding bodies, such as the Economic and Social Research Council, UK, Financial Reporting Council, UK, and World Bank.
His teaching interests cut across Accounting, Accountability, Finance and Governance, having taught modules, such as Business Finance; Corporate Finance; Corporate Governance; Financial Accounting; Management Accounting; and Research Methods to undergraduate, postgraduate and professional accounting and finance students.
- Stanford 2% Global Scientist Citation Rankings (2021)
- 2022 Top 1% global scientists rankings in business and management inclusion (2022)
- 2022 Top 1% global scientists rankings for Economics and Finance inclusion (2022)
- 2022 AD top world scientists rankings/index for accounting and finance under the economics and econometrics discipline (2022)
- 2021 University of Stanford’s top 2% or 100,000 global scientists rankings (2021)
- 2020 University of Stanford’s top 2% or 100,000 global scientists rankings (2020)
- Business and Society 2021 top 5 best paper award (2021)
- Journal of Applied Accounting Research Highly Commended Paper Award Winner (2013)
- Outstanding Reviewer Award: Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence 2020 (2020)
- The most outstanding paper published in The British Accounting Review during 2021 (2022)
- Staff Achievement Award, including Financial Bonus/Reward (2019)
- Staff Achievement Award: Financial Reward (2017)
- Thank You Award for Excellence in Teaching (2015)
- Thank You Award for Excellence in Teaching (2016)
- Academic Excellence Award (2002)
- Conferment of Honorary Award (2023)
- 2023 Highly Ranked Scholar (2023)
- 2022 University of Stanford’s top 2% or 100,000 global scientists rankings (2022)
- 2023 University of Stanford’s top 2% or 100,000 global scientists rankings (2023)
- 2023 Top 1% global scientists rankings in business and management inclusion (2023)
- 2023 Top 1% global scientists rankings for Economics and Finance inclusion (2023)
- 2023 AD top world scientists rankings/index for accounting and finance under the economics and econometrics discipline (2023)
- Ideas Top 10% Authors in Economics (2024)
- The 2024 Blackboard and VLE Award (2024)
- Vice Chancellor Achievement Nomination: ‘Inspiring Leadership’ Category (2024)
- Vice Chancellor Achievement Nomination: ‘Teaching’ Category (2024)
- Vice Chancellor Achievement Nomination: ‘Research Impact’ Category (2022)
- Vice Chancellor Achievement Nomination: ‘Inspiring Leadership’ Category (2021)
- Vice Chancellor Achievement Nomination: ‘One Southampton’ Category (2021)
- IDEAS/RePEc Top 10% Authors in Economics Global Rankings (2024)
You can update your biography section in Pure (opens in a new tab). Select your ‘Personal’ tab then ‘Edit profile’. Under the heading, and ‘Curriculum and research description’, select ‘Add profile information’. In the dropdown menu, select - ‘Biography’. Aim for no more than 400 words.
This section will only appear if you enter the information into Pure (opens in a new tab).
You can update this section in Pure (opens in a new tab). Select ‘+Add content’ and then ‘Prize’. using the ‘Prizes’ section.
You can choose to hide prizes from your public profile. Set the visibility as ‘Backend’ to only show this information within Pure, or ‘Confidential’ to make it visible only to you.