Ben is a Professor in the Faculty of Medicine and the School of Mathematical Sciences. His work combines mathematical modelling, machine learning, statistics and experiment to better understand human health and disease. He is particularly interested in using machine learning to decipher cell and molecular biology data, the structure and function of complex networks, and stem cell dynamics.
Ben is also Director of AI for Science and Government and Programme Director for Health and Medical Sciences at the Alan Turing Institute, the UK national institute for data science and artificial intelligence. He is a visiting professor at the International Research Centre for Medical Sciences at Kumamoto University, Japan.
Research groups
Member of:
Research interests
- Mathematical modeling
- Machine learning
- Networks
Research projects
Completed projects
Sponsor: Biotechnology & Biological Sciences Research Council
Sponsor: Alan Turing Institute
Sponsor: Biotechnology & Biological Sciences Research Council
Sponsor: Medical Research Council
Sponsor: EPSRC
81 publications
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Ben D. MacArthur, Ana Sevilla, Michael Lenz, Franz-Josef Müller, Bernhard, M. Schuldt, Andreas, A. Schuppert, Sonya, J. Ridden, Patrick, S. Stumpf, Miguel Fidalgo, Avi Ma'ayan, Jianlong Wang & Ihor, R. Lemischka,
2012, Nature Cell Biology, 14, 1139-1147
DOI: 10.1038/ncb2603
Type: article
Sonya, J. Ridden & Ben D. MacArthur,
Type: bookChapter
Avi Ma'ayan & Ben D. MacArthur,
Type: book
Simón Méndez-Ferrer, Tatyana V. Michurina, Francesca Ferraro, Amin R. Mazloom, Ben D. MacArthur, Sergio A. Lira, David T. Scadden, Avi Ma’ayan, Grigori N. Enikolopov & Paul S. Frenette,
2010, Nature, 466(7308), 829-834
DOI: 10.1038/nature09262
Type: article
Ben D. MacArthur, Ruben Sanchez-Garcia & Avi Ma’ayan,
2010, Physical Review Letters, 104(16), 168701-[4pp]
Type: article
Ben D. MacArthur, Alexander Lachmann, Ihor R. Lemischka & Avi Ma'ayan,
2010, Bioinformatics, 26(1), 143-144
Type: article
Ben D. MacArthur, Avi Ma'ayan & Ihor R. Lemischka,
2009, Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology, 10(10), 672-681
DOI: 10.1038/nrm2766
Type: article
Ben D. MacArthur & Ruben Sanchez-Garcia,
2009, Physical Review E, 80(2), 026117-[10pp]
Type: article
Rong Lu, Florian Markowetz, Richard D. Unwin, Jeffrey T. Leek, Edoardo M. Airoldi, Ben D. MacArthur, Alexander Lachmann, Roye Rozov, Avi Ma’ayan, Laurie A. Boyer, Olga G. Troyanskaya, Anthony D. Whetton & Ihor R. Lemischka,
2009, Nature, 462(7271), 358-362
DOI: 10.1038/nature08575
Type: article
Ben D. MacArthur, Ruben J. Sanchez-Garcia & James W. Anderson,
2008, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 156(18), 3525-3531
Type: article