Major Roles:
Director of the Southampton Marine and Maritime Institute (2018–
Professor of Geochemistry, School of Ocean and Earth Science, Naitonal Oceanography Centre Southampton.
Co-Chief Scientist Integrated Ocean Discovery Program IODP Expedition 390/393 South Atlantic Transect
Interim Chief Scientific Cfficer, Cyprus Marine and Maritime Institute, Larnaka, Cyprus
Associate Editor – Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta (2018–
Guest Editor – Lithos: Special issue "The life cycle of obducted ocean lithosphere from the ancient seafloor to modern active processes: New understandings of the Earth system illuminated by the Oman Drilling Project investigations of the Samail ophiolite"
Guest Editor – Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth Ophiolites and Oceanic Lithosphere, With a Focus on the Samail Ophiolite in Oman
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In recent years my principal teaching role has been the delivery of SOES1001 Earth Materials - which is an introduction to mineralogy, crystalography, optical microscopy and igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic petrology. This is an intensive course for all Southampton Earth scientists with a large component of practical work. By the end of the course even those who have never done geology before will be able to recognise most common rocks and minerals in the field and laboratory and understand their origins.
I also supervise Bachelor and Masters-level individual projects in the School of Ocean & Earth Science and the School of Engineering
I am always on the look out for strong PhD and post-doctoral researchers with an interest in fluid-rock interactions, carbon dioxide reduction through enhanced weathering and ore mineralisation.
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Damon Teagle is Professor of Geochemistry in the School of Ocean and Earth Science, National Oceanography Centre Southampton. He has wide ranging interests in fluid-rock interactions and the effects of these processes on ore mineralisation, global geochemical cycles and tectonics. He is expert on the hydrothermal alteration of the ocean crust and ophiolites.
Professor Teagle has been involved in the Southampton Marine and Maritime Institute at the University of Southampton since the inception of the SMMI in 2012. He has served as the Director of the SMMI since 2018. His recent research emphasis includes the decarbonisation of ships, ports and maritime operations and logisitics networks through a variety of approaches including wind assist, new fuels, electrification, carbon capture and storage, autonomy and optimisation.
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