Emeritus Professor Helen Simons

Emeritus Professor Helen Simons

Research interests

  • Democratic Evaluation
  • Ethics in Research and Evaluation 
  • Programme, policy and institutional self-evaluation

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Helen Simons is Professor Emeritus of Education and Evaluation at the University of Southampton, UK. She specializes in programme, policy and institutional evaluation, qualitative methodologies, democratic evaluation, case study, and ethics, across all sectors of education and the practice professions.  She is a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences, UK (FAcSS) and of the Royal Society of Arts (FRSA) and, in 2009, was an Orator for the University of Southampton.  Before becoming an Emeritus Professor, she taught research and Masters courses in the School of Education, Southampton in all her specialist  areas,  supervised numerous PhD  and Masters students'  theses and published widely in her research fields of evaluation, qualitative methodology and ethics. Currently she is mentoring colleagues and students who are conducting  evaluations  besides continuing to publish on case study evaluation,  evaluation ethics, and qualitative  methodology and extending her research exploration into the use of art forms in evaluation. She continues to be a keynote speaker and present papers in her specialist fields at conferences in the UK and abroad.