Emeritus Professor Stephen King

 FInstP, CPhys, PhD

Research interests

  • The Flavour Problem and Neutrino Physics
  • Interface of Cosmology with Particle Physics
  • Beyond the Standard Model

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Emeritus Professor Stephen F. King FInstP, CPhys, PhD.

Steve completed his PhD in QCD perturbation theory in 1980 at Manchester University. He was a postdoctoral fellow at Oxford University, where he worked on composite models, before moving to Harvard and Boston Universities in the US, where he worked on technicolour and collider phenomenology. Returning to Southampton in 1987, he won a 5 year fellowship to work on lattice QCD and top quark condensates. Soon after becoming a Lecturer, he turned his attention to supersymmetry, cosmology, strings, unification, flavour symmetry models and neutrinos. He became a Professor in 2000.

For more details see the interview.

For publications see INSPIRE - High-Energy Physics Content.