Mr Luke Jenkins

Mr Luke Jenkins

Research interests

  • Sea Level Rise
  • Climate Change
  • Coasts

More research

Connect with Luke


I am a postgraduate research student within Ocean and Earth Science, University of Southampton, based at the National Oceanography Centre Southampton.

I graduated from the University of Sussex in 2018 having completed a BSc in Geography (2014-2017) and an MSc in Climate Change, Development and Policy (2017-2018). My thesis explored the character of high impact rainfall events in central Kenya – What drives them and to what extent are they predictable?

Before starting my doctorate, I worked for the NERC/DFID (SHEAR)-funded research-to-action project ForPAc (Towards Forecast-Based Preparedness Action) – which aims to deliver improved forecast products and information platforms for decision makers in Kenya to enable a more anticipatory decision-making approach to climate hazards.

My current research project looks at storm clustering around the UK and aims to improve the understanding of the impact that sequences of storm events have on the dynamic response of hard and soft coasts.


Research Project: ‘Storm Clustering and its influence on coastal morphology and defence’


Ivan Haigh (University of Southampton)

Doug Pender (JBA Consulting)

Jenny Sansom (Environment Agency)

Rob Lamb (JBA Trust)

Hachem Kassem (University of Southampton)

Funding Agencies: INSPIRE NERC DTP, CASE sponsored by the JBA Trust.