Professor Ian Galea

Professor Ian Galea

Prof (Clinical & Experimental Neurology)

Research interests

  • Brain haemorrhage: pathophysiology
  • Blood-brain barrier and immune-brain signalling
  • Neuroimmunology

More research

Accepting applications from PhD students.

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Ian Galea is a Professor of Clinical and Experimental Neurology, within Medicine at the University of Southampton. He leads the Southampton Clinical and Experimental Neurology Team (SCENT), a multidisciplinary group of investigators studying the blood-brain interface across inflammatory and haemorrhagic central nervous system conditions. The team has laboratory expertise in cell culture, immunochemistry, molecular techniques and preclinical models, and clinical translational expertise in clinical assessment, diagnostic assays and neuroimaging. Bench-to-bedside science is translated to patient benefit.

His research concerns how the brain interacts with blood, either at the neurovascular interface (with implications for conditions such as multiple sclerosis and Alzheimer's disease) or within the brain after haemorrhage (as in subarachnoid haemorrhage). As a clinician scientist he works across clinical and laboratory areas. In his early scientific career, he studied cerebral perivascular macrophages at the blood-brain barrier and described a novel pathway of CD8 T cell entry into the brain. This formed the basis for his post-doctoral work, during which he studied the haemoglobin-scavenging system in the brain after subarachnoid haemorrhage and CD8 T cell-mediated brain disease. More recently he has focussed on the effects of systemic inflammation on blood-brain barrier function and the effects of extracellular haemoglobin on the brain across a variety of neurological conditions.