Research project

UK Global Challenges Research Fund: “Growing Research Capability to Meet the Challenges Faced by Developing Countries


Lead researchers

Professor Justin Sheffield

Head of School

Research interests

  • Large-scale hydrology and its interactions with climate variability and change.
  • Hydrological extremes, climate change, and hydrological processes from catchment to global scale.
  • The application of fundamental research to natural hazards impacts reduction, including monitoring and prediction systems.
Connect with Justin
Other researchers

Professor Guy Poppy CB FMedSci

Professor In Biological Sciences
Connect with Guy

Professor Jim Wright

Professor in GIS & Int Development

Research interests

  • Safe water access and public health in Sub-Saharan Africa
  • Environmental applications of GIS
  • Geospatial analysis for public health, particularly via routine health management information systems
Connect with Jim

Professor Chris Hill

Professorial Fellow-Enterprise
Connect with Chris

Professor Gopal Ramchurn

Professor of Artificial Intelligence
Connect with Gopal

Professor Laura Lewis

Professor of Anthropology

Research interests

  • History and ethnography of race and Afro-Mexico/Afro-Latin America
  • Latin America and the Caribbean
  • Mexico
Connect with Laura

Professor Jadu Dash

Professor of Remote Sensing

Research interests

  • Satellite derived land surface phenology and its validation with ground data
  • Developing a chlorophyll content based production efficiency model to quantify terrestrial carbon uptake
  • Impact of extreme climatic events on vegetation phenology
Connect with Jadu

Collaborating research institutes, centres and groups

Research outputs

Matteo G. Ziliani, Muhammad U. Altaf, Bruno Aragon, Rasmus Houburg, Trenton E. Franz, Yang Lu, Justin Sheffield, Ibrahim Hoteit & Matthew F. McCabe, 2021, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 313
Type: article
Chengxiu Li, Weiyu Yu, Mawuli Dzodzomenyo, Moses Asamoah, Catherine Tlotlo Kerapetse, Matthew Kandel & Jim Wright, 2021, Frontiers in Water, 3
Type: article
Chengxiu Li, Matthew Kandel, Daniela Anghileri, Francis Oloo, Oscar Kambombe, Tendai Polite Chibarabada, Cosmo Ngongondo, Justin Sheffield & Jadunandan Dash, 2021, Environmental Research Letters, 16(8)
Type: article
Yang Lu, Tendai Chibarabada, Matthew McCabe, Gabrielle De Lannoy & Justin Sheffield, 2021, Field Crops Research, 269, 1-15
Type: article
Yang Lu, Tendai Chibarabada, Matteo G. Ziliani, Jean-Marie Kileshye Onema, Matthew F. McCabe & Justin Sheffield, 2021, Agricultural Water Management, 252
Type: article