Research project

IODP Cruise time, February 2012 - Martin Palmer - NERC


Lead researchers

Professor Martin Palmer

Professor of Geochemistry
Connect with Martin

Collaborating research institutes, centres and groups

Research outputs

Michael Manga, Matthew J. Hornbach, Anne Le Friant, Osamu Ishizuka, Nicole Stroncik, Tatsuya Adachi, Mohammed Aljahdali, Georges Boudon, Christoph Breitkreuz, Andrew Fraass, Akihiko Fujinawa, Robert Hatfield, Martin Jutzeler, Kyoko Kataoka, Sara Lafuerza, Fukashi Maeno, Michael Martinez-Colon, Molly McCanta, Sally Morgan, Martin R. Palmer, Takeshi Saito, Angela Slagle, Adam J. Stinton, K.S.V. Subramanyam, Yoshihiko Tamura, Peter J. Talling, Benoit Villemant, Deborah Wall-Palmer & Fei Wang, 2012, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 13, Q08007
Type: article