Research project

I Williams -ZeroWIN -EU FP7


Lead researchers

Professor Ian Williams

Professor in Applied Environmental Scien

Research interests

  • Waste and Resource Management
  • Carbon management
  • Air Pollution
Connect with Ian

Research outputs

E. den Boer, I.D. Williams, A. Curran & B. Kopacek, 2014, Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Waste and Resource Management, 167(WR3), 97-100
Type: article
E. den Boer, I.D. Williams, A. Curran & B. Kopacek, 2014, Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Waste and Resource Management, 167(3), 95-96
Type: article
Emilia Boer, Ian Williams, Colin Fitzpatrick, P. Arranz, J. Dietrich, A. Kent, A. Tischer, V. Durão, H. Perthes, R. Peagram & B. Kopacek, 2012
Type: conference
Anthony Curran, Ian Williams, Andrew Kent & Martyn Lambourne, 2012
Type: conference
Anthony Curran, Ian Williams, Andrew Kent & Kevin Bush, 2012
Type: conference