Research project

EPSRC - Nanostructured Photonic Metamaterials


Lead researchers

Professor Nikolay Zheludev

Professor of Physics & Astronomy
Connect with Nikolay
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Research outputs

Syed Abdullah Aljunid, Eng Aik Chan, Giorgio Adamo, Martial Ducloy, David Wilkowski & Nikolai Zheludev, 2016, Nano Letters, 1-5
Type: article
E. Plum, J. Valente, J-Y. Ou, Pablo Manuel Cencillo Abad, Artemios Karvounis, K. MacDonald & N. Zheludev, 2016
Type: conference
Derek W. Watson, Stewart D. Jenkins, Janne Ruostekoski, Vassili A. Fedotov & Nikolay I. Zheludev, 2016, Physical Review B, 93(125420), 1-12
Type: article
V. Savinov, K. Delfanazari, V. Fedotov & N. Zheludev, 2016, Applied Physics Letters, 108(101107), 1-4
Type: article