Research project

Dr T Fregarde EPSRC Cavity-Mediated Cooling


Lead researcher

Professor Tim Freegarde

Connect with Tim
Other researchers

Dr Peter Horak

Associate Professor

Research interests

  • Theory and simulation of nonlinear and quantum optics
  • Laser pulse propagation and manipulation in optical fibres
  • Quantum technology, integrated optics, optical resonators
Connect with Peter

Collaborating research institutes, centres and groups

Research outputs

André Xuereb, Peter Domokos, Janos Asboth, Peter Horak & Tim Freegarde, 2009, Physical Review A, 79(5), 1-11
Type: article
Hamid Ohadi, Matthew Himsworth, Andre Xuereb & Tim Freegarde, 2009, Optics Express, 17(25), 23003-23009
Type: article