Research project

Direct dating of fossil bone using Lu-Hf and Sm-Nd geochemistry


Lead researchers

Professor Clive Trueman


Research interests

  • Stable isotope ecology in marine settings
  • Ecophysiology (fishes)
  • Sclerochronology
Connect with Clive

Research outputs

V. Chavagnac, J.A. Milton, D.R.H. Green, J. Breuer, O. Bruguier, D.E. Jacob, T. Jong, G.D. Kamenov, J. Le Huray, Y. Liu, M.R. Palmer, S. Pourtales, I. Rodhuskin, A. Soldati, C.N. Trueman & H. Yuan, 2007, Analytica Chimica Acta, 599(2), 177-190
Type: article