Statistical Sciences Research Institute (S3RI)


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2012, Statistical Science, 27(2), 232-246
Type: article
Isak Neema & Dankmar Boehning, 2012, Journal of Probability and Statistics, 2012(194018), 194018-[11pp]
Type: article
Alan Gelfand, Sujit K. Sahu & David Holland, 2012, Environmetrics, 23(7), 565-578
Type: article
Peter G.M. van der Heijden, Joe Whittaker, Maarten Cruyff, Bart Bakker & Rik van der Vliet, 2012, The Annals of Applied Statistics, 6(3), 831-852
Type: article
Wei Liu, Frank Bretz, Anthony J. Hayter & Ekkehard Glimm, 2012, Biometrical Journal, 55(3), 360-369
Type: article