Statistical Sciences Research Institute (S3RI)


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Monica Pirani, Anouska Panton, Duncan Purdie & Sujit Sahu, 2016, Science of the Total Environment, 572, 1449-1460
Type: article
Paul Little, Beth Stuart, F.D. Richard Hobbs, Joanne Kelly, Emily R. Smith, Katherine J. Bradbury, Stephanie Hughes, Peter W.F. Smith, Michael V. Moore, Mike E.J. Lean, Barrie M. Margetts, Christopher D. Byrne, Simon Griffin, Mina Davoudianfar, Julie Hooper, Guiqing Yao, Shihua Zhu, James Raftery & Lucy Yardley, 2016, The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology, 4(10), 821-828
Type: article
Peter G.M. Van Der Heijden & Stef van Buuren, 2016, Journal of Statistical Software, 73(4), 1-8
Type: article
Dankmar Böhning, Irene Rocchetti, Marco Alfo & Heinz Holling, 2016, Biometrics, 72(3), 697-706
Type: article