Southampton Imaging

About us

Imaging across scales from molecules to humans - find out about our themes and imaging techniques.

The Biophotonics and Imaging theme comprises of scientists, researchers and technical staff that: 

  1. develop cutting-edge novel tools and technologies
  2. enable provision of state-of-the-art facilities
  3. users who use these tools, technologies and facilities for advancing their research

The theme draws on from strengths within the University of Southampton across the disciplines of optoelectronics, physics, chemistry, mathematics, computer sciences, biology and medicine. The tools and technologies that are being developed include new fibre lasers, super-resolution methods, label-free optical techniques ranging from surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy to coherent Raman imaging, coherent diffractive imaging, topological and artificial intelligence methods for discovery science and image analysis.  

Our facilities include a range of high resolution electron microscopes, atomic force microscopes, optical super-resolution microscopes, fluorescence confocal microscopes, mass spec imaging systems as well as micro-CT and CT imaging.  

The combination of multimodal and correlative imaging techniques provide information from the nano to the macroscale and thus allow the pushing of boundaries in areas such as reproductive health, cancer immunology, infections and anti-microbial resistance, dementia and mental health, regenerative medicine, drug discovery, plant and marine biology among others.  

This large palette of novel technologies and state-of-the-art facilities at Southampton for imaging offer interdisciplinary opportunities for research and collaboration between scientists across the University and with medical physicists and clinicians at the University Hospital Southampton. Additionally collaborations for research, public engagement and knowledge exchange both nationally and internationally and with industry are welcomed and enabled.