Medical Education Research

Student Experience

Led by Professors Sally Curtis, Linda Turner, Clare Polack and Dr Anja Timm

Our Medical Education research group focuses on student experience, at faculty, university, national and international level. Our research findings have informed programme regulations, policies and packages supporting students from a range of backgrounds. 

We have informed UK widening participation policy and presented the outcomes for medical students and graduates from widening participation backgrounds. We are continuing to follow these students from across the UK through their postgraduate training. 

We have also informed faculty development in Germany, exploring the effect of learning in another culture. In addition, we have undertaken many projects with students and staff exploring pedagogy in the curriculum, student support and assessment. 

Some examples of student and staff projects, papers and workshops include: 

  • is earning detrimental to learning?
  • investigating the understanding and impact of the NHS Bursary on gateway students
  • Peer Assessment as an Indicator of Student Performance
  • experiences and Approaches to Supporting Widening Participation Students in their Early Professional Development
  • innovative, Integrated, Interdisciplinary - A Novel Approach to Genomics Teaching in the Undergraduate Medical Curriculum
  • medical students’ experiences and perceptions of feedback 
  • defining culture within the Faculty of Medicine: student and staff perceptions of and experiences with the Faculty’s culture
  • ethnicity and race: experiences of working and learning in the Faculty of Medicine, University of Southampton
  • perceptions and experiences of refugee students in education
  • experiences of medical students with anxiety and/or depression