Dr Ping Hua

Senior Teaching Fellow

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71 publications
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Yang Hao, Limin Xiao, Yucheng Ye & Ping Hua, 2016
Type: conference
Jacob Mackenzie, James Grant-Jacob, Stephen Beecher, Katherine Sloyan, Tina Parsonage, Ping Hua, David Shepherd & Robert Eason, 2016
Type: conference
James Grant-Jacob, Stephen Beecher, Tina Parsonage, Ping Hua, Jacob Mackenzie, David Shepherd & Robert Eason, 2016
Type: conference
Xin Wang, Shuqin Lou, Wenliang Lu, Xinzhi Sheng, Tongtong Zhao & Ping Hua, 2016, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 22(2), 1-8
Type: article
S.J. Beecher, J.A. Grant-Jacob, T.L. Parsonage, P. Hua, J.I. Mackenzie, D.P. Shepherd & R.W. Eason, 2016
Type: conference
James Grant-Jacob, Stephen J. Beecher, Tina L. Parsonage, Ping Hua, Jacob I. Mackenzie, David P. Shepherd & Robert W. Eason, 2016, Optical Materials Express, 6(1), 91-96
Type: article
Stephen Beecher, James Grant-Jacob, Ping Hua, David Shepherd, Robert Eason & Jacob Mackenzie, 2016
Type: conference
R.W. Eason, J.I. Mackenzie, David Shepherd, Tina Parsonage, Stephen J. Beecher, Ping Hua & James Grant-Jacob, 2016
Type: conference