Courses / Modules / SPAN3011 Exiles, Migrants and Citizens: Narrating and documenting displacement in contemporary Spain

Exiles, Migrants and Citizens: Narrating and documenting displacement in contemporary Spain

When you'll study it
Semester 1
CATS points
ECTS points
Level 6
Module lead
Adriana Patino
Academic year

Module overview

Migration has been a recurrent theme that has characterized Spain’s social, political and cultural history since its emergence as a modern nation in 1492. By drawing on narrative inquiry, this module will focus on the most recent migration movements of the 20th and 21st century fostered by sociohistorical processes such as the Spanish Republican exile of the Spanish Civil War, the evacuation and exile of Spanish, Catalan and Basque refugee children, the labour emigration during the Franco regime, and more recently the migration of young people because of the economic crash of 2008.