Module overview
Aims and Objectives
Learning Outcomes
Learning Outcomes
Having successfully completed this module you will be able to:
- Construct a geological map and cross section of a selected area.
- Map effectively in an area of structural complexity.
- Prepare a cartographic interpretation of the geology based upon an analysis of the field data, utilising skills in map interpretation gained during previous field and laboratory courses.
- Drafting and presentation of a geological map.
- Gross section construction.
- Arrange your time to manage a small project.
- Geological mapping.
- Write a field geological report in a structured style.
- Record the variety of geological data presented in such an area in a coherent and organised manner on both field sheets and in a field notebook.
- Report writing.
- Acquire a suitable database for the construction of a geological map of an area.
The module will develop skills in field mapping, project management, and report writing. This will be provided by a one-week mapping training class normally followed by five weeks independent field mapping making a large-scale geological map of a selected area. Presentation of results will be by an oral and written report on the geology.
Learning and Teaching
Teaching and learning methods
Advanced Mapping Training via a residential fieldcourse:
1. Enhancement of field skills by means of field exercises in an area of structural complexity.
2. Field mapping in an area of structural complexity.
3. Assessment and feedback whilst in the field.
4. Completion of all tasks by the end of the fieldcourse.
5. Fieldcourse supported by postgraduate students and staff with opportunity for one-to-one interaction in field.
Independent Mapping:
1. Field mapping in pairs for five weeks followed by preparation of an interpretative map and report. Supervisory support in selection of field area, by field visit and during the production of the map and report.
A wide range of support can be provided for those students who have further or specific learning and teaching needs.
Type | Hours |
Independent Study | 254 |
Project supervision | 46 |
Total study time | 300 |
This is how we’ll formally assess what you have learned in this module.
Method | Percentage contribution |
Field notebook | 10% |
Interpretative map | 50% |
Report | 40% |