Module overview
Aims and Objectives
Learning Outcomes
Subject Specific Practical Skills
Having successfully completed this module you will be able to:
- Presentation and manipulation of data, e.g. the methodology of picking seismic reflectors, tying to wells, etc
- Earth science applications of remote sensing techniques e.g. mapping, deformation during earthquakes, hazard assessment and mitigation.
- Handling of geophysical equipment and selection of appropriate geophysical methods
Transferable and Generic Skills
Having successfully completed this module you will be able to:
- Presentation of scientific results
- Familiarity with remote sensing systems, image processing, and GIS.
- Manipulation of data using spread sheets
- Working as part of a team
- Assessment of data quality
- Time management of project
- Working with others as a small team
- Report writing
- Development of 3D perception
Learning Outcomes
Having successfully completed this module you will be able to:
- Be able to select and apply appropriate data manipulation and visualisation methods for a number of Earth Science applications, including Geographical Information Systems (GIS).
- Be able to operate PC-based visualisation software effectively
- Aware of which methods are best suited to particular natural resource exploration targets
- Able to know how borehole geophysics is used in exploration and exploitation
- Be familiar with ground, air, satellite and marine based sensor platforms
- Aware of the limitations of certain geophysical interpretations
- Able to understand how geophysical anomalies. e.g. simple Bouguer gravity anomalies and magnetic anomalies can be interpreted
- Contribute effectively as a member of a team
- Familiar with the geological applications of exploration geophysics
- Capable of planning and carrying out a simple geophysical survey
- Aware of how to undertake an investigative field experiment
- Conversant with the procedure of field data reduction and processing techniques
- Able to understand the basic physical principles underlying the gravity, magnetic, electrical and seismic methods of exploration geophysics
- Aware how seismic refraction and seismic reflection profiles are interpreted
Exploration Geophysics
Lectures will provide an introduction to the theory and practice of exploration geophysics. Geophysics practical work forms an integral part of the module and provides training in the field, use of geophysical equipment and data interpretation.
GIS and Remote Sensing
The principal software platform will be ArcGIS incorporating various remote sensing data sets as well as topographic data. You will learn the basics of image processing, spectral data analysis and applications in geosciences including digital elevation models.
Learning and Teaching
Teaching and learning methods
Exploration Geophysics
Formal Lectures (20 x 45 minute lectures): will provide an introduction to the theory underlying exploration geophysics. Exploration Geophysics techniques covered will include seismic reflection, seismic refraction, gravity and magnetic surveying, electrical methods and borehole techniques.
Laboratory Classes (10 practicals over 25 hours): exemplify theory and allow you to develop appropriate practical skills in exploration geophysics data collection, reduction and interpretation. Practical classes are fully interactive affording hands-on experience of using geophysical instruments and equipment under laboratory and local campus conditions (weather permitting).
Remote Sensing: Support will be available when practical classes run
1.Hands-on teaching in computer workstations by experienced staff.
2.Lectures to describe different remote sensing systems and their applications
3.Independent learning using image processing and GIS software.
A wide range of support can be provided for those students who have further or specific learning and teaching needs
Type | Hours |
Teaching | 47 |
Independent Study | 103 |
Total study time | 150 |
This is how we’ll formally assess what you have learned in this module.
Method | Percentage contribution |
Assessment | 40% |
Assessment | 40% |
Assessment | 20% |