Module overview
Enables students to analyse and design advanced power, propulsion, heating and cooling systems using thermodynamic principles.
Linked modules
Pre-requisite: FEEG1003
Aims and Objectives
Learning Outcomes
Subject Specific Intellectual and Research Skills
Having successfully completed this module you will be able to:
- Compute changes in thermodynamic properties due to: mixing, throttling, compression, expansion, heat exchange, and combustion.
- Determine operating conditions for thermodynamic cycles in order to optimise power or efficiency.
- Design machines for improved efficiency using thermodynamic reasoning.
Knowledge and Understanding
Having successfully completed this module, you will be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of:
- Environmental and economic factors driving energy technology.
- Theoretical and practical constraints on the performance of internal combustion engines, gas turbines, steam and vapour cycles, and combined cycles.
- Current technologies for improving the performance of auto- and aero-engines, power generation, and refrigeration plant.
- Thermodynamic properties of real fluids – including liquid-vapour systems, mixtures, and nonideal gases – and their use in engineering calculations.
- Fundamentals of combustion.
Transferable and Generic Skills
Having successfully completed this module you will be able to:
- Analyse experimental data and summarise findings.
- Use a computer to perform parametric design studies.
- Communicate in a clear, structured and efficient manner.
- Devise appropriate plots for analysis, communication, and justification of design decisions.
Subject Specific Practical Skills
Having successfully completed this module you will be able to:
- Undertake experimental evaluation of thermal plant and energy systems.
- Evaluate fluid properties manually and computationally, by using the equation-of-state, property tables, or charts.
Learning Outcomes
Having successfully completed this module you will be able to:
- C1 M1 All assignments require students to apply thermodynamic principles to solve complex mathematical problems relating to machinery in current regular usage in the real world, e.g. spark ignition engines, gas turbines, steam turbines, combined cycle power plants, air conditioning systems, heat pumps. C2/M2 In both the engine and refrigerator practicals students must obtain their own data, then numerically analyse that data to reach conclusions on the performance of the systems. They must discuss their results in the context of their wider thermodynamics knowledge, and how practice differs from theory. C3 Students must select appropriate models and/or equations and use them to solve thermodynamics problems in final exam and the engine and refrigerator practicals. Within these students must address expected differences between theory and “real world” results .Computational methods are also used in the “power plant analysis” coursework. C12/M12 In engine practical students must use various measurements to quantify engine performance and determine whether the engine is performing consistently with theory. C13/M13 Questions within the final exam and “Power plant analysis project” coursework explores limitations of engines relating to material properties (e.g. max temperatures for steam turbines). C6 When analysing air conditioning units or combined cycle power plants (both assessed in final exam) students must apply knowledge of how different thermodynamic processes work together. C7 Engine practical includes questions on how to minimise local pollution via use of catalytic convertors and how engine operation (e.g. lean vs rich) affects their operation.
- Introduction to applications of thermodynamics, and environmental and socio-economic factors.
- Thermodynamic properties and processes: Thermodynamic properties and non-ideal fluids; analysis of real thermodynamic processes (compressors and turbines, throttles, nozzles, co/counterflow heat exchangers, property change due to combustion); description of combustion mechanisms; chemical equilibrium.
- Internal combustion engine applications: Operating principles and performance parameters thermodynamic analysis of ideal and real cycles (including availability analysis); Improving performance, and current directions in engine technology.
- Gas turbine applications: Analysis of real gas turbines – Adaptations for power generation (intercooling, reheat, recuperation, blade cooling); gas turbines for aero-propulsion (incl. propulsive efficiency and bypass).
- Vapour cycles: Properties of condensable fluids, use of tables, charts and equation of state; Carnot and Rankine power cycles; Effects of steam temperature and pressure, reheat, regenerative feedwater heating, and boiler efficiency.
- Boilers and combined cycles: Steam generation in bio-mass and coal-fired power plant; combined-cycles – heat recovery steam generators and consideration of the pinch-point.
- Refrigeration and Psychrometry: Refrigerants and refrigeration applications; Mixtures of air and water; Applications to air conditioning.
Learning and Teaching
Teaching and learning methods
Teaching methods include
- Lectures including examples and demonstration experiments, with lecture notes provided.
- Example papers, example classes, and online problem solving tutorials.
- Laboratory briefings
- Structured power plant analysis activity with demonstrator support.
Learning activities include
- Individual work on examples.
- Laboratory measurements, analysis, and assessment activity.
- Power plant analysis activity: background reading, computational analysis, and assessment activity.
Type | Hours |
Completion of assessment task | 25 |
Tutorial | 5 |
Wider reading or practice | 60 |
Lecture | 36 |
Revision | 16 |
Supervised time in studio/workshop | 8 |
Total study time | 150 |
Resources & Reading list
General Resources
Software requirements. The Power Plant Analysis Project makes use of Matlab software (available on University work stations) and additional power plant analysis software provided via blackboard
This is how we’ll formally assess what you have learned in this module.
Method | Percentage contribution |
Final Assessment | 70% |
Continuous Assessment | 30% |
This is how we’ll assess you if you don’t meet the criteria to pass this module.
Method | Percentage contribution |
Set Task | 100% |
An internal repeat is where you take all of your modules again, including any you passed. An external repeat is where you only re-take the modules you failed.
Method | Percentage contribution |
Set Task | 100% |
Repeat Information
Repeat type: Internal & External