Courses / Modules / SESA6038 Race Car Design/GDP

Race Car Design/GDP

When you'll study it
Whole Academic Year
CATS points
ECTS points
Level 7
Module lead
Zhiwei Hu
Academic year

Module overview

Focus: Design of a hill-climb race car using CFD:

In the Group Design Project (GDP) you will design an entire hill-climb race car by means of CFD analysis, with the primary goal of improving its performance over the baseline car provided to you in form of a CAD model. The group project is a learning experience that enables you to apply your engineering and scientific knowledge to develop specific race car designs.

Working in a group you will negotiate with your 'client', in this case the coordinator, develop your team working, plan your project, present your work through meetings with your supervisor and assessors, report writing and oral presentations. At all times, you will monitor your progress as a team to ensure you are achieving the objectives set while ensuring quality of output.

You should consult the coordinator for full details regarding conducting the project, meetings, forms required and important deadline dates.