Courses / Modules / PSYC8049 Research 2

Research 2

When you'll study it
Whole Academic Year
CATS points
ECTS points
Level 8
Module lead
Alethea Charlton
Academic year

Module overview

This module has been designed to build on trainees’ work in (PSYC6172, Research 1), in which they prepared a full scientific case and associated detailed study methods and design for their DClinPsych thesis. It will assess their skills in preparing i) an application to the University of Southampton ethics committee (via ERGO-2) for approval of their empirical study and ii) to conduct a systematic literature review (and pre-registering their protocol for this) and, furthermore, iii) to assess their skills in designing, conducting and reporting a small scale research project (typically within an NHS service / and associated with a clinical placement).

Regarding their thesis, trainees will make substantial progress on their systematic literature reviews and empirical studies.

They will submit their ethics proposal for their empirical study via the University of Southampton ERGO-2 system and, if needed, the relevant NHS Health Research Authority / IRAS system(s) and, should begin their data collection.

They will develop their systematic literature review question(s), and pre-register their study (if with a health-focused outcome, on PROSPERO; or, if a non-health focused outcome, elsewhere online, such as the Open Science Framework).

Regarding their small scale research project (SSRP) the module aims to offer trainees an opportunity to work within clinical psychology services to develop a research question and implement a project that generates new knowledge in the field of clinical psychology and serves to extend the discipline.

This will build on trainees’ work in Research 1, and prepare trainees to undertake their doctoral level research projects in year three of their DClinPsych studies (within module PSYC8048 'Research 3'). As part of a series of research modules, it provides trainees with knowledge and skills to develop proficiency in the Health and Care Professions Council Standards of Proficiency 12 and 13.