Module overview
EMHPs provide support and evidence based interventions in schools and colleges. Successful implementation of this requires the EMHP to be fully cognisant of the educational system and mental health practice within schools and colleges. This module consists of two main areas: 1. the educational context and 2. assessment and engagement of children, young people, and their families specific to the educational setting and have been designed as counterparts to modules 1 and 2.
Aims and Objectives
Learning Outcomes
Learning Outcomes
Having successfully completed this module you will be able to:
- Critically evaluate the necessary knowledge, attitude and competence to operate effectively in an inclusive value driven education context.
- Critically reflect on and demonstrate the ability to assess and identify areas of difficulty (including risk) and establish main areas for change.
- Develop sound critical awareness of the skills required to establish and maintain a working therapeutic alliance & engage the child/young person/family and education staff to support them in self-management of recovery
- Develop critical awareness of and the skills required to demonstrate ability to use Routine Outcome measures and standardised assessment tools effectively in education settings
- Develop critical awareness of and the skills required to identify and differentiate between common mental health problems in CYP
- Develop critical awareness of and the skills required to identify and differentiate learning problems in CYP: including dyslexia, dyspraxia and dyscalculia
- Demonstrate awareness of SEND and role of SENCO in education settings
- Critically reflect on and demonstrate the relevant knowledge and ability to assesses and engage mental health difficulties in the context of education environments in collaboration with CYP, their families and education staff.
- Understanding Education context: education structure, different types of schools/colleges
- Role of EMHP in education including new mental health leads in schools/colleges
- Professional practice and boundaries in education settings
- Multiagency working
- Legislative and policy frameworks
- Schools and college organisation including roles and responsibilities
- Schools and college policies and procedures and ethos
- Schools and colleges mission, aims and values and how these are maintained
- Wider context in which schools/colleges operate (SATS, GCSEs etc.)
- Overview of teacher training
- Promoting diversity and inclusion in schools/colleges
- Working with CYP , families and staff within education settings
- Challenges working with education and mental health
- Transitions and learning
- Developing professional relationships with CYP and families
- Effective communication and professional relationships with CYP and families and education staff.
- Auditing and assessment of mental health need in education settings
- Observational skills in education settings
- Signposting
- Engagement of harder to reach students in education settings
- Understanding impact of difficulties on educational life and attainment
- Understanding of whole school / college approaches
- Therapeutic relationship skills, ability to engage and communicate across the age range. Developmental stages and education background, working with difference.
- Interviewing & questioning skills
- Risk assessment, safeguarding & management in education settings
- Common mental health problems in CYP relevant to education settings (including attentional difficulties, sleep disturbance, emotional dysregulation, self harm, substance mis-use)
- Child development including normal development and deviations from this.
- Speech and language development and problems
- Neurological development - How children and young people learn and learning problems: Learning assessment to include dyslexia, dyscalculia, dyspraxia
- Knowledge and awareness of Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and impact in education settings
- How to use measures, goal-setting & goal based outcomes in education settings
Learning and Teaching
Teaching and learning methods
Small group tutorials
Experiential activities
Role Play
Guided reading
Directed activities in NHS services
Type | Hours |
Independent Study | 201 |
Teaching | 49 |
Total study time | 250 |
This is how we’ll formally assess what you have learned in this module.
Method | Percentage contribution |
Essay | 100% |
This is how we’ll assess you if you don’t meet the criteria to pass this module.
Method | Percentage contribution |
Essay | 100% |
Repeat Information
Repeat type: Internal & External