Module overview
This module runs alongside Psychology in Professional Practice 1. During the first year of training you are placed in a primary and secondary school with a field tutor. The field tutor demonstrates casework skills, undertakes casework collaboratively with you, and facilitates you taking on casework independently. You may also undertake some school based project work, working at an organisational level. Over the course of the year you will undertake casework with increasing independence following a model of systematic psychological problem solving. By the end of the module you can expect to complete an independent piece of casework in a primary school, and one in a secondary school. These are submitted as Reports of Casework and form 80% of the module assessment.
One of the pre-requisites for PSYC8043, PSYC8044, PSYC8045 and PSYC8046
Aims and Objectives
Learning Outcomes
Learning Outcomes
Having successfully completed this module you will be able to:
- Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the Monsen et al Problem Solving Framework
- Demonstrate the ability to identify and plan suitable evidence-informed interventions, drawing on relevant assessment information and formulation.
- Through assessment, intervention and consultation work demonstrate an appreciation and self-awareness of diversity in society and the experiences and contributions of all.
- Integrate assessment information from a range of sources into a concise formulation that informs decision making and any subsequent action/interventions.
- Demonstrate effective interpersonal and communication skills that facilitates consultation with children, families and other professionals (e.g. effective listening, a non-judgemental stance, empathy, acting as advocate).
- Present the rationale for the assessment methods you have selected and be able to justify any decisions about how assessment outcomes are reported (both orally and in writing).
- Where appropriate, demonstrate an awareness of how race, ethnicity, culture, gender, age and disability may interact with measures of ability and attainment
- Reflect on and revise interventions in response to monitoring data and service user feedback.
- Support and monitor a targeted teaching intervention
- Draw on assessment information to develop an integrated formulation which draws on psychological theory and research.
- Evaluate outcomes of intervention and offer formative and summative feedback to key stakeholders (including the child/young person) (6.7)
- Demonstrate the ability to communicate assessment results and their interpretation to diverse audiences, clearly, concisely and effectively both orally and in writing.
The core content of this module is delivered through taught sessions complemented by activities on placement. There are close links between placement and the University with the field tutors attending regular meetings as well as joint meetings with trainees and the academic tutors.
Learning and Teaching
Teaching and learning methods
Placement will form the context for taught university sessions to develop your understanding of the theoretical basis, application of, and the variety of approaches to, consultation, assessment and intervention
Type | Hours |
Teaching | 160 |
Independent Study | 40 |
Total study time | 200 |
Resources & Reading list
Internet Resources
Standards of conduct, performance and ethics.
Beaver, R. (2011). Educational Psychology Casework: A Practice Guide.. London: Jessica Kingsley.
Kelly, B., Woolfson, L., & James Boyle, J. (2017). Frameworks for Practice in Educational Psychology: A Textbook for Trainees and Practitioners. Jessica Kingsley Publishers..
Frederickson, N., & Cline, T (2009). Special Educational Needs, Inclusion and Diversity. Maidenhead, UK: Open University Press.
Assessment strategy
Reports of Casework (ROCs) provide you with the opportunity to demonstrate your understanding of the module aims across the three related strands of consultation, assessment and intervention. ROCs are made up of two 5,500 word reports linked to casework - one based on a primary school case, the other on a secondary school case. You are required to embed your ROCs in psychological literature to support any recommendations related to an individual, and all casework should reflect that ethical, non-discriminatory and non-oppressive considerations have been addressed in decisions around assessment and communication with key stake holders.
In the event of a trainee failing the assessment, the trainee is required to liaise with the first marker and submit amendments. Resubmission is within an agreed timescale, usually with a six week limit. Trainees can only re-submit a piece of work once.
This is how we’ll formally assess what you have learned in this module.
Method | Percentage contribution |
Supervisor Observation | 10% |
Teaching Intervention | 10% |
Reports of Casework | 80% |
This is how we’ll assess you if you don’t meet the criteria to pass this module.
Method | Percentage contribution |
Report | 10% |
Reports of Casework | 80% |
Supervisor Observation | 10% |