Courses / Modules / PSYC3045 Perspectives in Human Animal Interactions

Perspectives in Human Animal Interactions

When you'll study it
Semester 2
CATS points
ECTS points
Level 6
Module lead
Elizabeth McBride
Academic year

Module overview

The module will draw on the student’s prior learning with regard to various psychological areas; including but not restricted to, learning theory (operant and classical), attitude, attachment, behaviour change. An introduction to animal behaviour and welfare will be provided using example from various groups of species. Through the lens of One Welfare and consideration of current topical issues of human-animal interactions, the complexities of understanding and negotiating between the desires and needs of the humans and non-humans are investigated, and the potential for unintended direct and indirect consequences explored - be those relating to human or animal health/welfare, and/or environmental concerns.

The field of human-animal interactions and the role of psychology within it is growing rapidly. It has importance at local, global, political and personal levels in a range of areas of One Welfare concern including; wildlife conservation, wildlife (pest) control, stray animals, animals kept in laboratories, farms, or as pets, 'dangerous' dogs and animals used for human therapy or entertainment.

This module is intended to encourage students to synthesise knowledge from their degree and critically apply it to areas of human-animal interactions.